The Evidence Management Crisis: A Guide to the Solution for City and County Leadership – Part 2: The Solution
Fortress Plus Solutions: Ushering in a New Era in Evidence Management Efficiency
Fortress Plus Solutions (FPS) supports law enforcement by offering off-site, long-term evidence storage, preservation, and comprehensive inventory management services. By partnering with FPS, departments can focus on their primary responsibilities—public safety and law enforcement—while FPS takes on the complex and labor-intensive process of identifying, organizing, documenting, and properly storing evidence, all in compliance with the law and evidence management best practices.
Here’s how we do it.
1. Off-Site, Secure Storage and Transportation
Is your facility busting at the seams with evidence? Is your inventory in disarray? We can alleviate the pressure building from within and bring order to your inventory. We’ll store your long-term evidence at our facility.
FPS maintains a state-of-the-art, large warehouse-type facility that meets or exceeds all physical security standards for law enforcement evidence facilities. Our unmarked facility is protected by a multi-layered alarm and video system that monitors the building and all security and environmental control systems for anomalies. If one is detected, our round-the-clock staff can immediately respond. The facility accommodates a high volume of evidence while ensuring it remains secure, accounted for, and accessible only to authorized personnel. It also features temperature and humidity-controlled zones to preserve evidence requiring special storage conditions and a vault-like interior armory for weapons storage.
The initial evidence transfer to our facility uses our unmarked, secure, alarmed, video and GPS-monitored transport trucks. This service is also available for subsequent transportation of new items to our facility and for returning stored evidence to the agency as needed.
Storing your long-term evidence at our facility frees up valuable space in your evidence room, eliminating the previous clutter and disorganization. This new open space will allow your personnel to optimize your on-site resources, enabling you to use them as you wish. This may be the first time in years that your personnel feels like they control the facility instead of the facility controlling them.
2. Comprehensive Inventory Management
What’s in your evidence room? We’ll find out.
One of the first steps we take when partnering with a department is to conduct a complete inventory of the on-hand evidence. This is a “Herculean” feat in some agencies. FPS experts start with a blank spreadsheet and meticulously examine – hands-on – each item. It’s identified, logged on the spreadsheet, and then securely stored, initially away from the evidence room. Here, items are identified as staying in-house or to be transferred off-site. As free space in the evidence room is created, items staying in-house are returned there and appropriately stored. This approach ensures that all evidence is accounted for, properly cataloged, and easily located. Upon completion of our detailed inventory process, organization, order, and compliance with regulatory standards will be returned to your facility.
3. Efficient Evidence Processing
Retrieving evidence now takes a matter of minutes, not days.
With an organized and inventoried storage system, the potential for misplaced evidence is drastically reduced, as are the turnaround times for evidence retrieval. This environment reduces officer workload, and evidence retrieval can be described as a “best practice” within your department.
4. Reduction of Compliance and Security Risks
Our facility and your transformed evidence room.
FPS facilities feature cutting-edge security measures, including monitored access control and tracking systems that ensure every item of evidence stored with us remains secure and its location is known. Our 100% commitment to 100% compliance with law enforcement’s regulations and legal standards means that agencies who partner with FPS can do so confidently, knowing that their evidence is handled and stored according to best practices and applicable law.
After completing the inventory and transferring your long-term evidence to our facility, it’s the perfect time to conduct an evidence room audit. An audit differs from an inventory in that it examines the systems involved in operating your evidence room and assesses them for regulatory compliance.
Our experts can inspect evidence room policies and procedures, officer training, alarms, video and access control systems, environmental controls, proper storage methods, the room’s physical security, and more. When the inventory is completed, our personnel will know your evidence room, its processes, quirks, and what makes it unique. We’ll be more familiar with it than many of your agency personnel.
That’s why this is the perfect time for our evidence management experts to conduct an audit.
5. Additional Help
But wait. There’s more!
There sure is. Besides off-site evidence storage, inventories, and audits, our team of experts is prepared to help your community’s law enforcement personnel in any way we can. We offer the following services as well:
- Fractional Property and Evidence Managers: If no one is assigned to your evidence room or it’s managed by a staff member with many other responsibilities, we offer a better solution. We’ll staff your facility with a certified property and evidence specialist for the hours needed to keep your facility operating in compliance with the standards and best practices of evidence management.
We know that going forward, something must change in the management of your evidence room; otherwise, it will revert to its previous state. Our evidence management experts will dedicate their time and efforts to overseeing and assisting with the normal operations of your evidence room, ensuring continuity with your policies and procedures and compliance with the law.
- Assisting with the transition from paper-only records to a computer-based program
- Training personnel on new procedures or systems while emphasizing standards compliance
- Expert Testimony
- Cold Case and Major Case Reviews
- Polygraph Services
6. Cost Savings and Operational Efficiency
It sounds great, but what about the cost?
Outsourcing evidence storage to FPS is undoubtedly more cost-effective than building new facilities or remodeling old ones. Our storage services address the immediate needs for evidence storage space and provide a flexible solution that can grow with the department’s future needs. Our inventories and compliance audits are great opportunities to ensure your agency’s operations improve and bring them into regulatory compliance. These improvements reduce your city or county’s exposure to potential legal liabilities.
Our fees are scalable, meaning an agency that stores one thousand pieces of evidence with us pays a different rate than an agency that stores ten thousand. By investing in our services, you, as city and county leaders, can ensure that taxpayer dollars are spent on a solution that works, is cost-effective now, and is sustainable in the future.
Founded on Experience, Expertise, and Technical Knowledge
Fortress Plus Solutions was the brainchild of two highly respected, now-retired state police investigators who helped hundreds of agencies over the course of their careers with major case investigations throughout the State of Illinois. What they saw in many evidence rooms was disorganization, disarray, clutter, and evidence stored however and wherever it would fit. They experienced first-hand how a lack of proper evidence management could also affect the prosecution of criminal cases.
Fast forward to the present, and FPS has transformed evidence rooms, bringing them out of the dark ages of disarray and into the light of efficiency and regulatory compliance.
As evidence management challenges grow for law enforcement agencies, local government leaders must understand the importance of addressing these issues. The current problem is that evidence rooms are running out of available storage space. The consequences of this situation can be quite severe. We offer this guide to local government leaders so they know about the problem and can be better prepared if law enforcement leaders ask for help to address it. Doing so enables your law enforcement agency to comply with regulations and operate more efficiently and effectively. Fortress Plus Solutions is ready to work with your police or sheriff’s department to ensure evidence management becomes a well-organized and manageable process.
Alternatively, after becoming familiar with this issue, you can reach out to your law enforcement leaders and inquire about the status of their evidence room. It may be fine. But many are not. If not, you will have sparked a conversation that hopefully addresses your department’s challenges. In doing so, you demonstrate support for a future in which your law enforcement agency complies with accepted standards and is better prepared to meet the demands of modern policing.
For more information, please visit our website: fpsusa.com